Legacy Firearms
Pages: << < 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 > >>   (402 items)
Gun # 003851
Category Guns > Rifles > Ruger AR
Price $700.00

This Ruger AR 556 has a 16" barrel with a Flash Suppressor & a telescopic adjustable stock. Condition 99%. $700.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 002409
Category Guns > Pistols > Smith & Wesson Pistols - Autos
Price $585.00

This NEW IN THE BOX 9mm is a Smith & Wesson M&P9. Model 2.0. Comes with 2 10 rd.  mags. Interchangable grips. $585.00. ...

Gun # 003557
Category Guns > Rifles > Henry Rifle Company
Price $1,077.00

This NEW IN THE BOX Henry 357 MAGNUM has extra nice CHECKERED wood. 16" OCTAGON barrel. LARGE LOOP. $1077.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 002416
Category Guns > Rifles > Henry Rifle Company
Price $1,068.00

I have  A NEW IN THE BOX Henry SIDE GATE ALL WEATHER RIFLE.  357 MAGNUM  Cal. $1056.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com   732 280 8750

Gun # 003611
Category Guns > Rifles > Remington Rifles - Modern
Price $650.00

This 22 Cal. PUMP rifle is a Remington Model 12A hammerless TAKEDOWN. Bore has some rifling and some currosion but shoots real well. Shoots shorts, Longs & Long Rifle. Good bluing on the

Gun # 003038
Category Guns > Pistols > Colt 1911
Price $909.00

This .45 ACP Cal. pistol is a Fusion Riptide Commander with a 4" barrel. Real Nice Pistol. Novac type rear sight with a HiViz front sight. Comes with a range bag. $909.00. 

Gun # 003040
Category Guns > Pistols > Colt 1911
Price $782.00

This .45 ACP Cal. pistol is a NEW Fusion Reaction 1911 Target Series 70 model. Real nice pistol Comes with range bag. $782.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750

Gun # 003039
Category Guns > Pistols > Fusion 1911
Price $909.00 Sale $800.00

This .45 ACP Cal. pistol is a Fusion Riptide Commander with a 4" barrel. Series 70 type. Comes in a range bag. NICE pistol. Skeletonized trigger & Hammer. $800.00. 

Gun # 003458
Category Guns > Rifles > Henry Rifle Company
Price $311.00

This 22 cal. takedown rifle is a NEW IN THE BOX  Henry Survival rifle.  Everything fits inside the stock & it floats if dropped in the water. TWO 10 rd. mags. $311.00. 

Gun # 003870
Category Guns > Pistols > Sig - Sauer/Sigarms Pistols
Price $450.00

This .22 Cal. pistol is a Sig Sauer P322 with a Romeo sight. Condition AS NEW. Comes with case, lock , book and TWO mags.  $450.00. rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com   732 280 8750.

Gun # 002741
Price $315.00

Variety of 12 ga. 3\" Tactical Home Defense Shotguns. Prices from $315.00 up.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750

Gun # 003734
Category Guns > Rifles > AR Rifles
Price $785.00

This NEW IN THE BOX AR is a Smith & Wesson M&P SPORT ll.m Shoots 5.56 & .223 ammo. 16" barrel with a 1 in 8 Twist. $785.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003862
Category Guns > Pistols > Smith & Wesson Revolvers
Price $1,900.00 Sale $1,800.00

This 22JET revolver is a Smith & Wesson model 53 with inserts, box & paperwork. Condition 99.99%.  $1800.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003945
Category Guns > Rifles > Henry Rifle Company
Price $471.00

This 22 Cal. rifle is a Henry Frontier model. 20" OCTAGON barrel.  NEW IN THE BOX. $471.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003982
Category Guns > Rifles > Browning BLR .308 Cal.
Price $1,400.00

This 308 Cal. rifle is a Browning BLR with a steel receiver, Schnabel forend. Scope is a Nikon Pro Staff 3.5 X 14 X 50. with LONG RANGE Hunting Reticle with bullet drop compensation. Condition

Gun # 003813
Category Non-Guns > Shotgun Chokes.
Price $45.00

I have Browning Invector Plus Midas chokes.  $45.00 each. 410- 1 I/C, 1 Mod. 1 Light mod.


Gun # 003849
Category Guns > Pistols > Walther Pistols
Price $750.00

This .380 Cal. pistol is a STAINLESS STEEL Walther PPK. Condition 99.9%. $750.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750. 

Gun # 003180
Category Non-Guns > Barrels
Price $1,500.00

This is a 34" Caesar Guerini O/U barrel. Some small marks on the right side of the top barrel.  NEW $1915.00 You pay $1500.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750. 

Gun # 003335
Category Non-Guns > Magazines & Clips > Pistol Magazines
Price $22.00

I have FIVE Blue Ruger MK lll .22 mags. $22.00 each. rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003841
Category Guns > Rifles > Remington Rifles - Modern
Price $750.00 Sale $700.00

This 22 Cal. rifle is a Remington Mohawk i 66 in Brown. FREE Bushnell Banner Scope.Condition 99.99%. $700.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003883
Category Non-Guns > Magazines & Clips > Pistol Magazines
Price $65.00

TWO Browning High Power 13 rd. mags. One SS & one dark. Factory maks i think.  $65;00 each.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003344
Category Guns > Pistols > Taurus JUDGE
Price $450.00

This pre-owned STAINLESS STEEL Taurus Judge shoots 410 shotgun shells and 45 Long Colt bullets. 3" barrel with Hi Viz front sight. Condition 99%. $450.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732

Gun # 003343
Category Guns > Pistols > Taurus JUDGE
Price $539.00 Sale $500.00

This NEW IN THE BOX Taurus Judge is a STAINLESS STEEL revolver that shoots 410 shotgun shells and 45 Long  Colt bullets. Hi VIZ Front sight. 3" barrel. $500.00. 

Gun # 003334
Category Non-Guns > Magazines & Clips > Rifle Magazines
Price $40.00

One AS NEW Ruger model 96 .44 Cal. Mag.  $40.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003727
Category Guns > Pistols > Sig - Sauer/Sigarms Pistols
Price $940.00

This 9mm. Cal. pistol is a NEW IN THE BOX  Sig Sauer P320 X Five. $940.00. rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003977
Category Guns > Pistols > Beretta 21A .22 Cal.
Price $400.00

This 22 Cal. pistol is a Beretta 21A (TIP UP) Double Action/ingle Action. Good condition.  $400.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com   732 280 8750.

Gun # 003898
Category Non-Guns > Magazines & Clips > Pistol Magazines
Price $30.00

One Heckler & Koch USP 12 rd. 40 S&W  mag.  $30.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003840
Category Guns > Rifles > Ruger Rifles
Price $1,550.00 Sale $1,350.00

This Ruger 44 MAGNUM CARBINE is in  LIKE NEW CONDITION. FREE Tasco 4 X Scope. $1350.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003762
Category Guns > Shotguns > Remington Shotguns
Price $450.00

This NEW IN THE BOX 12 ga. Remington 887 M Shoots 2 3/4, 3, & 3 1/2" shells. Made before the recall in 2012.  28 " Vent rib brrel with screw in Rem choke. Condition NEW. Comes in the box

Gun # 003730
Category Guns > Pistols > Colt Woodsman .22 Cal.
Price $1,800.00 Sale $1,600.00

This Colt Woodsman SPORT is a UNFIRED pistol made in 1956. 4 1/2" barrel. Comes in oroginal box with paperwork.  Condition  99.9%. $1600.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280

Gun # 003956
Category Guns > Rifles > Remington Rifles - Modern
Price $375.00

This .22 Cal. rifle is a Remington Model 579.  Scope is a BSA 22 Specisl. Condition 99%.  $375.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003910
Category Guns > Rifles > Henry Rifle Company
Price $1,067.00

This NEW IN THE BOX 30-30 Cal rifle is a Henry model H009GCC. 20 " OCTAGON barrel. SIDE GATE CASE COLORED receiver. GREAT Dark CHECKERED stock & Forarm. $1067.00. 

Gun # 002805
Category Guns > Shotguns > Sporting Clays guns
Price $595.00

This NEW IN THE BOX Tristar Viper SPORTING CLAYS gun is a all around gun that can be used for TRAP, SKEET, FIVE STAND or SPORTING CLAYS. 30" VENT RIB BARREL with EXTENDED CHOKES. Real nice

Gun # 002807
Category Non-Guns > Magazines & Clips > Pistol Magazines
Price $34.00

I have FOUR  Sig Mosquito mags. (TWO still in the wrapper) These .22 Cal. mags. fit a Sig Mosquito.  $34.00 EACH.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com   732 280 8750

Gun # 003321
Category Guns > Shotguns > Savage 555
Price $673.00

This 12 Ga 3" shotgun is a NEW IN THE BOX Savage model 555. 28" OVER/UNDER Vent rib barrels with Screw-In-Chokes. Single select trigger. Checkered Walnut stock and forend. $673.00. 

Gun # 003869
Category Guns > Rifles > Custom Rifle
Price $1,900.00 Sale $1,800.00

This Remington 700 Action  rifle has a composite bedded stock. 23" Hart HEAVY crowned STAINLESS STEEL barrel. Jewel Trigger 2 to 4 Oz.  Converted  to single shot. Extra Shillen

Gun # 002810
Category Guns > Rifles > Henry Rifle Company
Price $917.00

This NEW IN THE BOX Henry model H010G is a SIDE GATE .45-70 cal. rifle with a 20" barrel & LARGE LOOP. Checkered Walnut stock and forearm. All blue metal. $917.00. 

Gun # 002812
Category Guns > Pistols > Sar USA
Price $499.00

This NEW IN THE BOX 9mm Cal. is a Two Tone Sar 9. Comes with TWO 10 Rd. mags, hard case, book and lock. Nice looking & confortable pistol. $499.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com   732

Gun # 003322
Category Guns > Rifles > Henry Rifle Company
Price $1,044.00

This NEW IN THE BOX SIDE GATE 357 MAGNUM rifle is a HENRY model H012GMCC. It is  CASE COLORED   with a 20"  OCTAGON barrel. CHECKERED Walnut stock and forearm. $1044.00. 

Gun # 003320
Category Guns > Shotguns > TriStar
Price $661.00

These NEW IN THE BOXS 12 Ga. & 20Ga. 3" shotguns are  TriStar  Trinity OVER/UNDERS with 28" barrels with Screw-In-Chokes.  Single select trigger. Checkered Walnut stock and

Gun # 003789
Category Guns > Pistols > Colt Double Action Revolvers- Modern
Price $700.00

This 38 Spl. Cal. revolver is a Colt Police Positive with a 4" barrel. Locks up tight. Condition 96%.  $700.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750. 

Gun # 003776
Category Guns > Pistols > Sig - Sauer/Sigarms Pistols
Price $672.00

This NEW IN THE BOX Sig is a 365X.  $672.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com. 732 280 8750.

Gun # 003920
Category Guns > Rifles > Marlin Rifles
Price $981.00

This .357 Cal rifle is a NEW IN THE BOX  Marlin 1894. $981.00.  rmgrigoiletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003788
Category Guns > Pistols > Colt Double Action Revolvers- Modern
Price $775.00 Sale $725.00

This .357 MAGNUM revolver is a Colt Trooper MK lll with a 4" barrel. Locks up tight. Conditiom 94/95%.  $725.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003647
Category Guns > Rifles > Winchester Rifles - Modern Bolt/Auto/Single
Price $1,200.00

This 270 WSM Cal. rifle is a Stainless Steel Winchester Model 70 MADE in NEW HAVEN CT. This is a Leopold Custom Shop gun and Scope Combo. Leupold took the rifle and scope to their Custom shop to

Gun # 003880
Category Non-Guns > Magazines & Clips > Pistol Magazines
Price $28.00

One Sig Sauer Sig Pro 2022 9mm. mag. $28.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 002832
Category Non-Guns > Magazines & Clips > Pistol Magazines
Price $40.00

I have a Smith & Wesson model 39 9mm. mag. and a model 639 9mm. mag. for sale. Model 39 mag. is $40.00 & the 639 Mag. is $45.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 88750.

Gun # 003865
Category Non-Guns > Ammunition
Price $200.00

Remington 22 JET Ammo. I have two full boxes and one box with 32 rds. and one box of fired brass.  $200.00 for all of it.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750

Gun # 003768
Category Guns > Pistols > Taurus
Price $350.00

This 9mm. pistol is a Taurus model PT 908. Comes with TWO Mags. Condition 98/99%.   $350.00.  rmgrigoletto@yahoo.com  732 280 8750.

Gun # 003315
Category Guns > Rifles > Henry Rifle Company
Price $1,068.00

This NEW IN THE BOX 44 MAGNUM  carbine is a Henry model H012GRCC.  A  CASE COLORED CARBINES with a 16 1/2" OCTAGON barrel. LARGE LOOP. CHECKERED Walnut stock and forearm. $1068.00.

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